HighPoint HPTBBU-04 Battery Backup Unit for RocketRAID 3xxx/4xxx Series Adapters Product Description:
HPTBBU-04 is a Battery Backup Unit is compatible with RocketRAID 3xxx/4xxx Series Adapters. It maximizes data protection without sacrificing performance. The HPTBBU-04 enhances controller performance and increases SATA and SAS storage system reliability by offering a unique set of data protection and data recovery features, combined with a BBU.
- Compatible with all of RR35xx and RR4xxx series.
- Support up to 48 hours for data protection.
- Recharging and charging time for BBU (from empty to full) will be within 30 hours.
- Warning indicator and alter with alarm buzzer for low charge. Recharging and charging time for BBU (from empty to full) will
- Monitor the health status (temperature and voltage) of the BBU.
- Detection of BBU (Present or Disconnect) in controller BIOS and Web GUI.
- Monitor the percentage of charge present in the BBU.
- Monitor the status of BBU when charging and discharging.