Iomega Zip 250MB SCSI External Drive (PC/Mac) Product Description:
Macintosh users have long enjoyed the speed and flexibility of the SCSI interface, built standard into nearly every PowerPC computer produced by Apple before January 1999. The SCSI model of the 250 MB Zip drive is the next Zip product extension for Mac and SCSI-equipped PC users, boasting not only of increased capacity, but also of a speed boost of 50 percent over the classic SCSI Zip 100 drive. And compared to floppy disks there really is no comparison--the SCSI Zip 250 drive is 56 times faster. Of course, PC users can take advantage of the significant performance and capacity benefits of the SCSI Zip 250 drive with the addition of a Zip Zoom SCSI accelerator card or other ASPI compatible SCSI card.Zip drives answer the call for your demanding storage needs such as downloading software, images, and information from the Internet, or delivering your latest brochure or artwork to a pre-press service bureau. Zip 100 and 250 drives work right along with you, matching your need for speed an
- 2.4 MBps maximum sustained transfer rate
- 4.0 millilseconds minimum seek time
- IomegaWare CD-ROM includes all Iomega software you need to operate your drive
- PC and Macintosh compatible