Amazing Designs LITTLE MAX Box Reader/writer + Card Buy

Amazing Designs LITTLE MAX Box Reader/writer + CardAmazing Designs LITTLE MAX Box Reader/writer + Card

Amazing Designs LITTLE MAX Box Reader/writer + Card Product Description:
Reader/writer box
Design conversion software
High-capacity PES/HUS format rewriteable card
USB Cable
Instruction Manual

Lots of design options

Use designs from almost any source, like CD-ROM or internet downloads
Easily convert designs to the format you need
Write designs to PES/HUS format memory cards
Send designs to removable media such as USB sticks or floppy disks.
Send directly to Edit ´N Stitch, Personalize ´N Stitch and Digitize ´N Stitch

  • Little MAX with PES/HUS card
  • includes:
  • Reader/writer box
  • Design conversion software High-capacity PES/HUS format rewriteable card
  • USB Cable Instruction Manual